Cody Rhodes has experienced a ton over his professional wrestling career.

He's been a golden boy son of a Hall of Famer who signed up with the world's biggest promotion of all time, a mid-carder with a bad gimmick who asked for his release in a vastly different landscape, an indie Superstar who built up the most viable challenger to WWE in over 20 years, and ultimately returned where it all began so he could become the WWE Champion.

So naturally, when asked about the red flags he's experienced in the various locker rooms he's passed through over the years in an interview with Jonathan Coachman on Behind The Turnbuckle, Rhodes let it be known that he isn't a fan of “legendary” wrestlers who want to help the young guys out, as they often use that mentality to push a hidden agenda.

“The number one red flag I hear. If you meet a guy who is a legend who is coming in on the roster and he's going to be active, or a part-time guy, the number one red flag if you're young or in the middle of the pack (as a) talent is when you hear somebody say, ‘I'm just here for the young guys.' I already know. You're not just here for the young guys,” Cody Rhodes explained via Fightful.

“I would rather you tell me straight up, ‘I'm here for some of ya'll, and I'm here for myself.' This a selfish, competitive business. I like the most transparent people. ‘Here's what I'd like to do, let's do it.' Whenever I hear, ‘I'm here for the young guys,' which is not often and not anytime soon I've heard it. In my mind, instantly, I'm like, ‘That's the biggest red flag ever. I'd rather him tell them he's just here for himself.'”

Is this a shot at someone in particular, be that his original AEW rival Chris Jericho, who is currently working a “Learning Tree” gimmick, “Edge” Adam Copeland, who has said the same thing about his run in Tony Khan's company, or even CM Punk who famously used the line in an interview around the beginning of Collision? It's impossible to know, but based on the reaction online, it's safe to say fans and wrestlers alike are having a field day with the comments.

Cody Rhodes reflects on his moment with John Cena at WrestleMania.

Elsewhere on his appearance on Behind The Turnbuckle with Jonathan Coachman, Cody Rhodes reflected on his big moment at WrestleMania 40 and how he was able to secure the WWE Championship with a little help from Seth Rollins, The Undertaker, and John Cena.

While Rhodes clearly has a deep love for the show, as it will likely go down as the defining moment of his professional wrestling career, it meant so much more because he was able to do it in front of “The Face That Runs The Place,” who the “American Nightmare” has based his career around.

“It's probably really easy for me to say WrestleMania 40 itself. Both nights. There is a particular moment at WrestleMania 40 that will stick with me forever. It's not necessarily the one, two, three as much as I was really big under the learning tree and a student of John Cena's. I liked his model, from a businessman, as a babyface character in wrestling. More than that, I liked the model and the standard he set as a human being. As a good ambassador for wrestling. As an authentic ambassador,” Cody Rhodes explained via Fightful.

“Our fans can smell when this is not authentic. He was the right person for that job. We're in the ring, and Undertaker and Rock have their moment. John is off camera against the back wall, watching the end of Roman and I, as we're both coming up. I just got to make eye contact with John. I don't think I've ever learned anything more in my life than just the moment of eye contact with the captain, the leader, the dude. He's out here to be part of this for me. It's super touching. Having that moment with him, just brief contact, knowing I'm about to turn around and what's about to happen, that's the high of highs.”

From the Make-A-Wish appearances, to the merchandising, and especially his interactions with the WWE Universe, it's clear Rhodes is a certified disciple of Cena right down to his refusal to turn heel. While only time will tell if Rhodes has the same success long-term or if he will pull a Hollywood Hogan and turn to the dark side once more, it's clear he's committed to pushing down that path for the foreseeable future.