Living his dreams in the bustling streets of New York City, comedian Chris Rock, 58, was recently spotted on a post-Christmas stroll with model Amber Rose, 40, fueling speculations of a budding romance between the unlikely pair, PageSix reports. The duo, both sporting dark sunglasses, showcased their individual styles as they grinned ear to ear during their leisurely walk.
Rock, known for his stand-up prowess, demonstrated his fashion sense in black cargo pants, a blue-and-black plaid button-down, a cobalt beanie, and a short wool coat. On the other hand, Rose rocked a distressed leather jacket over a grey-and-black sweat set, complemented by vibrant red sneakers. Despite the public outing, the nature of their relationship remains shrouded in mystery.
“I didn't get rich and stay in shape to talk to Anita Baker. I'm trying to f— Doja Cat,” – Chris Rock.
Interestingly, the connection between Rock and Rose traces back to Rose's past relationship with rapper Kanye West. The rapper featured Rock in a skit on his 2010 song “Blame Game,” where Rock praised a woman's style and bedroom prowess.
The song draws inspiration from West's tumultuous relationship with Rose, which lasted two years. Rose, in a past interview with Complex Magazine, opened up about the heartbreak caused by their breakup, highlighting West's public bullying through his music.
While Rock and Rose's relationship status remains elusive, their connection through West adds an intriguing layer to the unfolding narrative. As fans speculate about this potential new couple, Rock seems to be living up to his comedic proclamation of not settling for anything less than his dreams, especially when it involves a stroll in the city with someone like Amber Rose.