Similar to how last week's episode of Secret Invasion ended, another major character of the series died, leaving fans hanging on to the edge of their seats shortly after. But a cliffhanger isn't the only thing viewers got with the latest installment, as it's also loaded with a lot of secret details and cool trivia. We take a look below at the best Secret Invasion episode 4 easter eggs and what they mean for the Marvel series.

5 Secret Invasion episode 4 easter eggs you definitely missed

Secret Invasion, Marvel, Entertainment

5. Avengers

At the start of Secret Invasion episode 4, we see the series flashback to 2012 as Nick Fury and Varra meet in Paris. The Skrull learns that Fury played a part in the Battle of New York and gathering the necessary heroes to stave off the Chitauri invasion. Varra even hands him a French newspaper with a front page showing the said incident. This prologue is a clear callback to the first Avengers film and how Fury helped organized the team to fight Loki's invasion plan using the Chitauris. It also ties the big MCU blockbuster movie to the events of this Phase 5 series.

4. A nod to the X-Men or Inhumans

Following the flashback, we see Varra receive a stern instruction from the Skrull impersonating as James Rhodes to eliminate Fury. After that scene, Varra goes home and is surprised to see his husband there. Before the tense confrontation that unfolded before the two, there's an image of a book inside Varra's house titled Decoding The Human Gene.

This is a subtle nod to either the mutants or the Inhumans in the MCU. The former, of course, was first mentioned in Ms. Marvel, and the studio is slowly making its way to introducing these super-powered beings. The latter, meanwhile, might be more of a long shot as Marvel's previous attempt to introduce the Inhumans didn't go so well. In any case, the book seen in Varra's house certainly leads to the introduction of either group in the MCU.

3. Nanotech

After his business with Varra is done, Fury breaks into the hotel suite of the fake James Rhodes. Armed with the knowledge that he's an impostor, Fury plays it cool and offers him a drink. In response, Rhodes asks if there's any poison in it, something to which Fury says that there's nanotech instead. This little retort is a witty nod to Tony Stark's use of nanotech in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame for his armor. The same technology is also incorporated in the suit Stark made for Peter Parker.

2. Extremis

While the previous episode showed Extremis healing Gravik's wounded hand, the DNA sample is used to great effect in the latest installment by G'iah. After being shot by the Skrull general for her betrayal, it's revealed that she procured the said sample and absorbed it using the machine built by Doctor Rosa Dalton. Once Gravik has fled the scene, Extremis is shown healing the mortal wound on G'iah's chest.

During the climactic battle of Secret Invasion episode 4, we see Gravik use Extremis to heal from several gunshots to his body and face. It should be remembered that Extremis not only grants its users with healing, but also enhanced strength and pyrokinesis.

1. Groot's DNA sample

Along with Extremis, Gravik is seen in the battle using a DNA sample belonging to Groot. The Skrull general used the alien's wood-based ability to grab a soldier and squeeze him to death. Most likely, the said sample was procured during the events of Infinity War or Endgame when Groot was on Earth fighting against Thanos and his forces. At this point in time, Gravik has used two abilities based from the DNA samples the Skrulls have obtained over the years.

It remains to be seen how these Secret Invasion easter eggs will play out in the remaining episodes of the series. Stay tuned to see what happens next to Nick Fury and his fight against Gravik..