After being “The Man” of the WWE Universe since she christened the moniker in 2018, Becky Lynch has officially taken her show down to Orlando, Florida, where she just so happens to be the NXT Women's Champion after dethroning Tiffany Stratton on national television.

Discussing her win and what it means to her for the second night in a row, Lynch decided to cut a very rhyme-y promo to the fans assembled in Orlando, even if she wasn't able to finish off her thought due to yet another disgruntled female performer who wanted to take a shot at the “Grand Slam Man.

“‘The Man' has come around to NXT, and the NXT Women’s Championship World Tour continues. Because we bring the fight every d*mn night. It doesn’t matter the name, the game is the same. Gigi Dolin, Elektra Lopez, Thea Hail, Roxanne Perez. I’ll be here a while, and I go the extra mile, so how ‘bout we have a scrap, Ivy Nile? Give me Nattie, I’ll beat her baddie, Jacy Jane, you know I’ll retain. You want this? I’m the mountain to climb. Welcome to the Big Time!” Becky Lynch told the crowd at the PC.

“I love you guys so much. It feels so good to be back. It feels so good to be back and represent you. Because you are what makes this. But speaking of time, speaking of time, time time time, ‘Tiffy Time’ is over. But I will, (crowd chants ‘Becky Time’) But lads, credit where credit is due. Last week, Tiffany Stratton hung with The Man. She pushed me to my limit, and for that, she will get her rematch whenever she wants it. She earned it. She may be an idiot, and she may be an a***hole, but she is…”

Unfortunately for Lynch she wasn't allowed to finish her thought again, as Stratton marched down to the ring alone – though not for long – and challenged the champ for another chance at the title, this time on a Premium Live Event for good measure.

“Um, excuse me. Yeah, hi, I heard enough, actually. Look, I appreciate the flowers, Becks, but um, did you really think the rematch was going to be optional?” Tiffany Stratton asked “Are you kidding me? I am getting a rematch. I deserve a rematch. Look, I know you’re a WrestleMania main eventer, you’re the man, you’re the number one girl, but I am Tiffany Stratton. I am the future of WWE, and I am a future two-time NXT Women’s Champion. You wanna be a fighting champion, right? So what do you say? The Big Time versus the Tiffy Time, round two for the NXT Women’s Championship tonight? (Crowd cheers). Aww, I knew you guys would love that, which is why it’s not happening. You know, these losers actually cheered me every week up until you came here. I want my rematch on a bigger stage. I want my rematch in Bakersfield, California, at No Mercy.”

Oh no, how would Lynch respond? Well, unsurprisingly, “Big Time Becks” decided to “man up” in the best way possible.

Becky Lynch is ready to prove she's better than Tiffany Stratton again.

After letting Tiffany Stratton talk, Becky Lynch fired back in a big way, letting the former champ know that she isn't afraid of a challenge, no matter where it comes from.

“I told you, Tiffany, you can have your rematch whenever you want it,” Lynch responded. “But I’m telling you now, the result is gonna be the same. And not because you’re not good enough, but because you’re not hungry enough. You think I haven’t seen this before? You think I haven’t seen people like you come in here, you get a rocket strapped to your back, you get everything handed to you, and you become entitled. But this, this NXT, with these people, has the same feel at the NXT I came up in. And what it comes down to is who wants it more. And even after ten years here, I want it more than you do.

“Aww, cute, Becky,” Stratton responded. “You know, you should actually be thanking me for your return to NXT. Because if your name never came out of my mouth, then you would have never returned. Instead, you would be driving to the nearest retirement home in search for the next Hall of Famer for you to beat to get yourself more clout!”

“Alright, Tiffany. Well, one thing’s for sure is you’re a better fighter than you are a talker,” Lynch said. “So how about instead of trying to go word for word with The Man, we go punch for a punch?”

While the interaction between Lynch and Stratton didn't end there, as Kiana James came out to help her former in-ring rival and the trio eventually took part in a main event match that expanded out into a tag team contest thanks to the addition of Lyra Valkyria, the match is set for No Mercy, and based on the pedigree of the performers in the match, it should be a good one.