When news broke that Becky Lynch was heading down to NXT to challenge Tiffany Stratton for the NXT Women's Championship, it turned more than a few heads around the WWE Universe.

On paper, the pairing makes sense, right? Whether intentional or not, Stratton mocked Lynch for not being an NXT Women's Champion, and after multiple appearances on RAW and Payback to make her presence known, the champ now finds herself with “The Man” on her heels. Regardless of how the match shakes out, which, to be fair, could end in either performer winning or the match being called off for one reason or another, giving Stratton the Lynch seal of approval should pay dividends for her career moving forward.

Meeting face-to-face on RAW to sign a contract for NXT match, Stratton addressed Lynch's challenge and asked why she's heading to Orlando to come after her belt.

“Hold on, before we do this, Becky, I have been nothing but respectful to you, I even apologized for calling you an NXT Women's Champion,” Tiffany Stratton said. “And I know last week I let my emotions get the best of me, but you can understand that, right? You're ‘The Man,' and now that we're face to face, I have to ask you this: What did I do? Why are you coming after me and the NXT Women's Championship?”

“Well, Tiffany, to be perfectly honest with you, I wasn't really paying much attention to what you were doing before this, but when you come to my show to get eyes on your dead-end title reign, and you use my name in vain, and you show up during my matches then I have no choice but to pay attention to you,” Becky Lynch responded. “Why look at ya, the NXT Women's Champion, you look like a goddess, as athletic as an Olympian, dumb as a box of rocks, but when I think about NXT, I think about hope, I think about passion, I think about the future, and you, you could be all of those things, but you're not, because you're just concerned with being famous and that's why you're stepping to ‘The Man.' If you want to be famous so bad, I'll make you famous tomorrow night when I take your NXT Women's Championship. Welcome to the big time.”

After watching Lynch sign the contract, Stratton signed, too, but not without punctuating their conversation with one last comment.

“Sweetheart, I don't need you to make me famous,” Stratton declared. “I have been doing just fine on my own, but you want to stick your head in my business? Okay, I have no problem beating you and making my name at your expense. And that name is Tiffany Stratton, the greatest NXT Women's Champion of all time.”

Who will pull this match out, Stratton or Lynch? Ultimately, the result isn't quite as important as what comes out of it. If Lynch starts dominating in Orlando or Stratton heads up to RAW full-time, then the real winner will be the rest of the WWE Universe, as the final results will be incredible either way.

Tiffany Stratton has to back up her strong words on Becky Lynch from last week.

After being called out by Becky Lynch after her win over Kiana James on NXT, Tiffany Stratton addressed “The Man's” challenge and let her know that she is not afraid of the match coming her way.

“You wanna know how I'm feeling? I bet you're all dying to know, right?” Stratton said on NXT. “Yeah, Becky Lynch is the biggest match of my career, but my career began two years ago.  And Becky's coming after me; where was Becky's career after two years? Nowhere, she was some circus monkey or working as some flight attendant, certainly not at the top of the industry like I am. So Becky, you may be some WrestleMania main eventer, the number one Superstar on RAW, SmackDown, and you may be ‘Big Time Becks' in your world, but I'm the center of the universe in mine. And next week, the  NXT Women's Championship isn't going anywhere. See you next Tuesday, B**ch. Toodles.”

Will fans throw that promo, especially the final line, back in Stratton's face if she is unable to come out on top versus her most experienced and arguably talented performers? You bet, Lynch will probably reference it if afforded a chance, but hey, if you're going to make bold declarations, you'd better have the game to back it up; let's see if Stratton can do just that.