Who is the most underrated Superstar in the WWE Universe? Well, if you ask John Cena, who, as the reigning “GOAT,” has an opinion that holds special clout, the answer to that question is none other than The Miz, the grand slam champion who just closed out a run as the RAW Tag Team Champion alongside R-Truth.

Asked by Wrestlerant Radio about earning such an incredible endorsement during his A&E Biography, The Miz gushed about Cena as he prepares for the end of his WWE career, noting that there isn't a Superstar more deserving of his flowers than “The Face That Runs the Place.”

“I'm humbled. You know, when you hear, I always call him the GOAT. Like, I think he is the greatest of all time. From what he was able to do for so long, like… It's just, and how good he really is in a ring. Like, you know, I can sit across here, and you can be a fan, and you can watch John Cena, and I can't explain to you how good he is in there. You can watch it and say, ‘Oh, he's really good.' But what he is able to do and able to connect with an audience is unlike anyone I've ever seen. He knows what to do and when to do it when he's in the ring with you to get a crowd to where he wants them to be. It's a very difficult thing to do. It's a talent that John Cena has. And for him to say that I am the most underrated superstar in history, it means a lot because, you know, I've been in the ring with him. I've main-evented WrestleMania with him,” The Miz explained to Wrestlerant Radio via Fightful.

“We've done a lot of, I mean, last year at WrestleMania, the day after, I'm sitting there doing a, you can't see, this is my biggest rival, right? John Cena. I'm doing the you can't see me with him and doing an AA with him in the ring. Like if you would have told me, you know, 15 years ago that I would be, you know, doing AAs and high-fiving John Cena and give him a hug. He'd be on my documentary saying that I'm underrated. I'd have been like, not gonna happen. It's just not gonna happen. But for him to even be a part of my documentary, it just says so much about him because this guy is a bonafide movie star. He's working, he's got Peacemaker, he's got all these accolades that he's been doing and he made time for me for my documentary. I think the world of him, and I love the fact that he's coming back for one more WrestleMania, but not only that, he's going to do a bunch of other dates, you know, and I'm glad that this generation is going to be able to learn from him as well. Like I always try to teach what he taught me and and Randy Orton has taught me. I try to, give that what I've learned from them to the up-and-coming generations, but to actually get in the ring with him is unlike anything. I'm excited for the new crop of talent that gets to do that.”

While Miz does deserve a good bit of respect for his own career, with Chelsea Green declaring that she wants to be the female version of the “Awesome One,” when it comes to role models in the WWE Universe, no one, not even “The Rolemodel” is on Cena's level, even if plenty of stars would like to be. If the next generation of stars wants to emulate someone, “The Champ” is a good place to start.

The Miz wants one final shot at John Cena before he retires

Speaking of The Miz's relationship with John Cena while discussing the soon-to-be retirement tour of “The Champ” with Sports Illustrated, The Miz told Justin Barrasso that he'd like to take one final crack at his former WrestleMania foe, as after decades in the trenches together, that final encore would be a career highlight.

“When I heard him say he was retiring at the end of next year, I had mixed emotions. I’m proud that I’ve been able to share the ring with him and learn from him. I’m still using what I’ve learned from him in and out of the ring. I’m also sad. This is it,” The Miz told Sports Illustrated.

“Being in the ring with him is unlike anything else. He’s the greatest of all-time. He’s a bona fide movie star now, but he loves this so much he’s still going to do live events. I still can’t believe this is it for him. I’m sad, but I’m also happy–this must be what he wants.

“I would love one more moment with him. We were rivals for so long, and just this past WrestleMania, the day after, I’m tagging with John Cena doing the ‘You can’t see me’ and giving AA’s to people. I never thought I’d ever do that. It’s interesting to be a good guy now. I’m not used to it, I’m not comfortable with people cheering me, but I’m embracing it.”

Considering their relationship together, giving The Miz one final chance to put over Cena would be a pretty incredible moment for long-time fans of both performers, as, after 20 years in WWE's trenches together, they both deserve that moment.