After taking an absolutely incredible loss to Akira Tozawa with a little help from the “Megastar” LA Knight – a fitting payback from his own match with Austin Theory on SmackDownThe Miz was steaming mad, so much so that he actually reached out to WWE's officiating crew to see make sure they know the results weren't appropriate.

Catching up with Jackie Redmond for a special WWE Digital Exclusive, The Miz had plenty to say about Tozawa's first win of the year, even if he doesn't agree with the results.

“I kicked out, okay? I kicked out,” The Miz told Jackie Redmond. “Well well, well, well, well, well what? I kicked out, I even talked to the referee, and the referee even agreed with me that I kicked out, he just messed out, so sometimes a referee messes up. Tazawa is a very good competitor; he's a former cruiserweight, a former 24/7 Champion, he's bigger, faster, stronger, and more dominant, just like I said, than any Superstar that LA Knight has ever faced in his entire career.”

When Redmond asked if the referee would corroborate his story, The Miz would have none of it, demanding the WWE Universe simply take his word for it because he doesn't have the “face of a liar.”

“The ref!? The Ref admitted it to me. Do I lie?” The Miz asked Redmond. “Do I lie? Does this look like the face of a liar? You are unbelievable; I am not doing this interview anymore. Unbelievable. Well, well, well, well.”

Will The Miz find a way to reverse the decision? No, probably not, but he might just be able to get some payback next month in Pittsburgh, if you catch my drift.