When Sheamus hit Xavier Woods with the Brogue Kick at the end of a Fatal Fiveway to decide on GUNTHER's next challenger for the Intercontinental Champion, he genuinely believed that he was heading to Hollywood for a choice spot at WrestleMania 39. He dropped down on the mat to hook Woods' leg, heard the 1-2-3 of the referee next to him, and ultimately rose to his feet with his arm raised as the crowd cheered him on.

… but then Sheamus looked to his left and saw that McIntyre too had his hand raised, and suddenly, everything was thrown into wack. While Adam Pearce eventually remedied the situation, booking the duo for a winner-takes-all match on the next edition of SmackDown to decide on GUNTHER's WrestleMania foe, that didn't ease Sheamus' ill-feeling for his “Banger Bro” as when Megan Morant of the SmackDown LowDown showed up to interview “The Celtic Warrior” he could barely contain his anger.

Drew McIntyre is nothing but a grave-robbin’ b*stard! Do you understand, Megan?” Sheamus said. “That’s all he is, that’s all he ever will be. The Scottish Warrior, the Celtic Warrior, you know what I mean? The Brogue Kick, the Claymore kick, everything I’ve done in my life he’s always piggybacked off of me, every single thing.

“And this one thing, this one goal I have left, Meg, the one goal to become Intercontinental Champion, to become the first-ever ultimate grandslam champion. I’m right there, at the cusp, WrestleMania, about to make history and what does he do? He steps on my bleeding foes, and he goes behind my back, just like he always does. He knows exactly how I feel about this. I have stood up for him every single moment of my career and I’m telling you I’m sick of this!”

After months of reprieve from their long-standing feud, it would appear the truce between Sheamus and McIntyre is about to come to a head, with a match booked on SmackDown to decide on GUNTHER's next challenger and Money in the Bank already booked for the 02 Arena in London, England, where some sort of rematch, with or without a title on the line, could go over like gangbusters. If you like Sheamus and/or McIntyre, then you are in for a very interesting few months.

Sheamus' potential WrestleMania opponent welcomes celebrities to LA.

While GUNTHER appears just fine with either McIntyre or Sheamus serving as his WrestleMania 39 opponent, one question some wanted to know was how he felt about celebrities like Logan Paul taking part in “The Showcase of the Immortals.” Would a man who is internationally renowned as “The Ring General,” a man who believes the mat is sacred appreciate the hard work these non-WWE stars still put into their craft or would he tarnish their efforts for not taking the sport seriously as a life-long, full-time venture? The answer he gave to Josh Martinez on Superstar Crossover may surprise you.

“It's obviously two-sided,” GUNTHER said via Fightful. “Somebody that wrestles all year round, and then comes WrestleMania, and it's somebody who is always working and it's their drive of ‘I want to be in the big spectacle,' and some spots won't be available because we have celebrities come in like Bad Bunny or Logan. I get the part that there is a little bit of a frustration, but on the other hand, I think it helps us immensely. It helps everybody involved. It helps our business in general to generate way more attention. The only thing I think is important is, whoever comes in from the outside and takes part in what we do, they have to have a passion for it and has to take it as serious to be part of our product. That's the case with the celebrities we have right now. They're contributing a lot and putting the work in. They're putting their bodies on the line too. If you look at everything Logan has done so far, he's not hesitating to take any risks. He might be willing to take more risks that I would. In those two cases, they are prime examples of how somebody is a celebrity outside of our world and contributes in a positive way.”

Wow, what a surprisingly supportive answer; in character, GUNTHER is a big, tough dude, who has wrestled all over the world and challenged some of the biggest and baddest opponents on the planet, from Tyler Bate to Will Ospreay, Darby Alin, Zack Sabre Jr., Brody King, and even Ilja Dragunov, the man who ultimately beat him for the NXT UK Championship after 870 days, but even he appreciated the courage it takes to get in the ring, even if they don't really know what they are doing. Maybe deep down in that massive heel's body is a babyface heart after all.