It's nice to have a variety of wrestling games to choose from. One side of the ring we got WWE2K, a grizzled vet in the gaming industry that's existed for over 20 years now. On the other side of the ring we have the young and up coming AEW Fight Forever, representing a wrestling league that's existed less than five years in total.

First off, let's appreciate the spirit of the competition. Having two developers promotes a level of competition that allows for better quality games for the consumer. Additionally, it gives more people the opportunity to work on such high profile games.

One may think that because the WWE2K series has more realistic gameplay you'd think that would top it over AEW Fight Forever. Others may disagree, stating that the arcade-style gameplay of AEW gives it more charm. Regardless, both games are fun to play, especially with friends.

Rabble In The Ring: WWE 2K23 vs. AEW Fight Forever

Here is the general information regarding each wrestling title. The biggest difference here is the roster size.

WWE2K23AEW Fight Forever
PLATFORMSPCPS4, PS5Xbox One, and Xbox Series XPC, PS4, PS5Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.
Release DateMarch 17th, 2023June 28th, 2023
Standard Edition Price At Launch (USD)$59.99 / $69.99 Depending on Platform$59.99
Wrestlers (At Launch)20152 (Excluding Pre-order Bonus)

Why Pick WWE2K23?

As the long standing series continues, WWE2K23 brings the most polished wrestling game out there on the market. While Visual Concepts is better known for their NBA 2K games, their wrestling titles have won the hearts of fans all over the nation. WWE2K23 stands out the most in terms of its customization. We've seen some pretty creative wrestlers, and what's awesome is that you can share their designs online. The game also always receives constant updates and DLC.

The gameplay of WWE 2K23 feels a bit more crisp. Sometimes attacks don't land for some reason in AEW Fight Forever. While this kind of issue occurs in both games, WWE 2K23 has better hit-detection. Additionally, WWE 2K23 has an extensive roster that heavily outsized AEW Fight Forever. Here are the pros of choosing WWE 2K23:

  • Better Customization
  • Gameplay feels more fine-tuned
  • Better Graphics
  • Physics feel more accurate
  • Deep Roster
  • Arenas look better
  • Actually Has Commentary
  • Better Presentation

Why Pick AEW Fight Forever?

While young just like the league it represents, AEW Fight Forever embraces it's Arcade-Style Gameplay. It's got plenty of game modes, mini-games, and all sorts of content to keep you and your friends busy. We really enjoyed AEW Fight Forever's Road To Elite Mode. While short, it offers a lot of replay value because there are multiple paths your career can take.

The game is also a lot more creative than 2K's counterpart. For example.AEW Fight Forever is soon adding a Battle Royale mode called Stadium Stampede that puts 30 wrestlers on a football field under construction. You can ride horses, use t-shirt launchers, and explore the stadium to hunt down your opponents. While this happens, the map continues to shrink. Additionally, AEW FF's arcade-style gameplay is a nice break from the simulation gameplay you see in a lot of major sports titles.

We also love Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match, which is a lot cooler than the real-life version of the mode. Here are the pros of choosing WWE 2K23:

  • Road To Elite Is A Great Career Mode
  • Mini-Games
  • Stage Entrance Customization Is Great
  • Creative Game Modes
  • Arcade-Style Gameplay is a nice break from Simulation Gameplay
  • Fast Paced; Matches end fairly quickly
  • Fast Load Times
  • Replayability


And that's it, folks. While we think WWE2K23 is the better of the two games, we'll say that both are equally enjoyable with friends. And that's the beauty of wrestling games.

However, we must note that for its first big video game entry, AEW Fight Forever shows a ton of promise. Should this become a series, we can easily see the AEW games overtake WWE some day. If Yuke's improves on the game's customization and fine-tunes the gameplay, there's no reason it can't surpass WWE 2K23.

We won't know if/when Yuke's will begin working on their next wrestling game, but it was a good return to form for them, all things considering. They hadn't released a wrestling game since 2018 (WWE 2K19). So to make a splash like they did with a young league like AEW is impressive, to say the least.

Visual Concepts is currently winning the battle by sticking to their formula. It's what makes their NBA 2K games so successful, and it'll continue to make their WWE 2K games successful. Plus having marketable talent like John Cena promoting your games is always great to have. Kenny Omega is great, but Cena is usually the first to come to mind when people think of wrestling.

The best thing about this competition is that you, the gamer, benefit from watching two companies duke it out to win your favor. Hopefully it's a long-lasting healthy rivalry for years to come.

But for now, we'll go with WWE since it's a bit more polished. It offers more, and 2K regularly updates the game, providing more content for players.

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