Drake and 50 Cent might just have a playful showdown on their hands. It all started when 50 Cent, currently on his Final Lap tour to celebrate the 20th anniversary of “Get Rich Or Die Tryin',” jokingly expressed envy about the way Drake's fans treat him during performances, HotNewHipHop reports.

In a backstage moment during one of his tour stops, 50 Cent lamented, “They don't treat muthaf**kin' Drake like this. Drake, they throw him bras. What do I get? Aye, could you please go get me some Drake fans? Shit just don't feel right. I need to feel special around here. I need them to treat me like I'm Drake. Drake gets bras every night! I used to get bras in the beginning of my career.”


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Playfully blaming his setlist manager, 50 Cent hilariously asked, “What do you do?” The response, “I sort out the setlist,” led 50 Cent to quip, “This is your fault.”

The “Thank Me Later” rapper, always up for a good-natured exchange, caught wind of 50 Cent's bra-themed rant and responded in kind. On his Instagram Stories, he wrote, “FIF LEMME PULL UP FOR A PEP TALK @50cent.”

This humorous exchange between the two rap heavyweights is not the first time they've interacted. In March, they were spotted together at a Miami nightclub, and shortly afterward, Drizzy was seen wearing a “Beg for Mercy” T-shirt in a photo shared by G-Unit Brands. 50 Cent even hyped up Drake's upcoming music in the comments, saying, “I fck wit Drake. He getting ready to come with some hard sht. You know the vibes n*gga.”

It's all in good fun, and fans can't help but enjoy the banter between these two iconic artists.