In less than two years, Maxxine Dupri went from a WWE signee, to a valet alongside Mr. Robert Stone in Robert Stone's corner, to a fixture of SmackDown and eventually RAW, where she gets talking segments on the regular first as a member of the Maximum Male Models and now alongside Otis and Chad Gable as the third member of Alpha Academy.

Discussing how she was able to go from searching for models on YouTube as part of the criminally underrated Making it Maximum to relentlessly pursuing Otis to be her new Model/friend/more-than-a-friend(?) in an interview with Ryan Satin on Out of Character, Dupri noted that to her, the transition has been natural, as she's been lucky enough to pair up with the best of the best at every turn of her main roster run.

“Yes, I’m having so much fun working with them and, like, they’re another two that have just been so generous and kind to me and I’m just, I’m just so thankful for anyone I get to work with and learn from,” Dupri said. “And I feel so blessed that I just keep getting paired with such talented people that just give me so much, so I’m really, really grateful for that. And I think the chemistry with them has honestly just been easy like it’s felt natural. Obviously Otis is hilarious you know, and I just like, I don’t know, I love playing into it and kind of going back to that whole momentary thing, I feel like I’m getting really getting to lean into that.”

When Satin noted that Gable is the perfect straight man to play off of Dupri, she agreed, noting that their backstage chemistry is truly special.

“No, I think so too, and I think we have a great balance, like even when we do backstage is really fun, we kind of like banter off of each other, and I think that we’ve just really kind of found our groove,” Dupri said. “So I’m thankful that it’s been continuous and, you know, something that we get to continue to build on.”

What does the future hold for the Alpha Academy now that they're a trio? Is this the new configuration of the faction, or is this building up to some sort of a breakup down the line, with Dupri or even Gable having to side with the Maximum Male Models against Otis and his affiliate, whomever that may end up being? Only time will tell, but after Gable and Otis noted that they'd like to keep their angle going with Dupri all summer long, it's clear WWE (probably) isn't dropping this storyline any time soon.

Maxxine Dupri complements her Models for easing the NXT-to-WWE transition.

Elsewhere in her appearance on Out of Character, Maxxine Dupri was asked about her time with the Maximum Malde Models and how she became LA Knight's sister. For Dupri, she didn't necessarily know she had a brother per se – now that must have been an awkward conversation with Mama and Papa Dupri – but she thought the angle worked once it was assigned to her.

“I didn’t really know LA Knight when he was in NXT because I think when he left I was just starting training or something but like, in hindsight, I’m like ‘I guess we could kind of pass as brother, and sister,’ like there was a couple elements where I was like ‘I guess it does make sense,’ but I just wasn’t thinking of that prior,” Dupri said.

Dupri then turned her attention to the Maximum Male Models, Mace and Mansoor, and complemented the duo for helping her to feel comfortable after a whirlwind ride from NXT background player to a featured member of the SmackDown roster.

“I mean they fully took me under their wing, like, I did not know what I was going, I was like ‘I’m just showing up and rolling with the punches and hoping for the best,’ and they had both taught me so much and just taking such good care of me,” Dupri said. “Like they just, I feel like they always like looked out for me and like even for traveling together, like, I just felt really, really thankful that with my experience, even with LA Knight, like they just all of them have really put such a positive insight on my career and I’m just so thankful for that.”

While Dupri's time with the Maximum Male Models, at least for now, appears to be over, it's clear her time working with Mace, Mansoor, and even Max helped to get here where she is today, which, considering her newness to the professional wrestling business, is incredibly impressive.